Living Boldly In The Knowledge Of Our Eternal Redemption In Christ

Most times, the memories of our deeds and some events of our lives tear open old wounds that continually turn sore in the environ of guilt. In this situation we try everything possible within our reach: listen to solemn songs, hear pitiful speeches; but to no avail- our greatest human efforts cause only but momentary relief, which exits as soon as the feeling come rushing in again. It was never in man's capacity to take away sin, only God's; and that's why only Him can take that feeling of yours-that pain, that regret, and turn it into something wholesome, because only God can forgive even to the eternal. Ezekiel was a man, and all he could bear for the iniquity of Israel in his capacity as man before God was 430 days, each day for every year Israel spent in the bondage of sin in Egypt (4:4-6). The animals sacrificed only could hold sin but for a moment of the man's life; but God in the flesh as Jesus bore not just Israel's sin, but the world's at large, and took it all away forever, giving us a new start. Only God is able to give you a new start from that past that haunts you, or the present that bewilders you, or the future that scares you.....only God. And you know what? He has already- two millenniums back; you just have to accept that great salvation. You just have to receive it. The tonic of psychology and psychiatry won't hold for a very long time. The deductions you obtain from it would only give you temporal relief, but only God can take it all away, with a new start just for you. Thus don't listen to the condemning words your heart speak of you, for God is greater (1 John 3:20), and if God forgives you, no one and nothing can take it all away from you, except you. So i admonish you to accept His forgiveness, embrace His salvation, and live His transformed life for you. You are better than what your mistakes tell you; you are better than your past speak of you; you know why? because you are forgiven and forever accepted in His eyes in Christ Jesus. You are better in His sight (Roman 8:1). So live better; live bolder. Embrace the truth of His salvation to you; and live beyond the deeds of your past into a future designed for you in Christ. Shalom!


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