Let God Be Enough (2)

Let God Be Enough #2
 In an attempt to mock Judah, and to frighten them, Sennacherib spoke about how God could not save them, since no other nation gods could save them. He felt so confident in his words "Don't believe Him", decorated by his bravado that the elders might have even peed on themselves. But know this: the gods of the other nations weren't Jehovah. Many of them might have shared similar gods, but none had the God of Israel, so literally Sennacherib had never tested the God of the Jews. These victories over the non-living gods puffed him up to think he could conquer God, but on paper there was no alibi to support his claims nor his chances of beating the God who destroyed the whole of Egypt in a mere exhibition of His might. Here are two things to learn from this:
1) The fact that others failed shouldn't make you believe you would too. Scriptures say that 'some put their trust in chariots, but i put mine in the Lord', for while the chariots may fail, God never fails. Don't judge your God by someone else's chariot. Don't give a verdict on your God's ability because a horse and wheels failed to save some others. So, don't listen to the devil when he tells you it's over because the next guy is over. Tell him you don't stand on the same pedal as the other guy, for while the other guy rode a horse, you ride on the Lord of host in full trust and assurance of victory.
2) The fact that a "pandemic" has beclouded the economy on a ratio of 90/100 doesn't mean it would becloud you. Sennacherib had conquered almost half the world, but half the world wasn't Israel. Same way, the half consumed, disappointed, disgraced by the economic crisis isn't you. The ratio shouldn't move you, because God has the power to make a space for you among the unharmed ten percent.
 Hence, create a mentality that sees God as enough to scale through. Regardless of the hard times, or the moment when we are between a rock and a hard place, trust God as great enough to create and bring the solace we desire. He says he knows His own thoughts for us, and it's for peace (Jeremiah 29:11). Thus, don't fidget in the tribulations, just place every atom of your being and the largest iota of your faith in absolute belief in Him to do all He's said He would do.


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