How To Get Your Desires Met

 Understand this: It is not our working for God that makes Him fulfil His part of the contract, it's our walking with Him. While it is good we do the Lord's bidding during our lifetime as earthlings, God is not seeking for workers, He seeks children. Children work, but most importantly live with their father; workers may not do the latter. Children learn, love and obey their father on an obligation of love, while workers do it for the paycheck. God wants a person who would walk with Him in love,and out of love work for Him. So, it would be absurd to think we can deceive Him into giving us our every need by carrying out some community service somewhere around church. The greatest miracle God ever gave was given out of love, and so every other expected must come out of the same; and here lies His simple test to assess how to earn it: "If you love Me, obey Me" (John 14:16 TLB). Our willingness to walk in perfect obedience with Him out of the love we have for Him paves the way to our receiving His own quota of our pre-agreed contract. As a warning to Israel on how to receive from God, Moses gave a word of advice. He said "Because of your obedience, the Lord your God will keep His part of the contract, which, in His tender love, He made with your ancestors" (Deut 7:12 TLB). He seeks a perfect heart that would walk with Him, obey Him and believe in Him. Nobody wants a partner in a relationship who does it because he is getting paid for it, because there is no true assurance that when the money flow stops, he would remain. In the same way, God wants a person who's in it for the intimacy, and not for the paycheck; for Him the giver and not for the gift. Thus, to be ready receptors of God's blessings to His saints, make your heart perfect towards Him (2 Chro 16:9)- that is, being in it for an opportunity to know Him more, rather than just to rip a miracle off Him. Hence, if you want that expected blessing from the contract manifested, love Him, and this you do by simply obeying Him just as much as He desires you to believe Him!


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