God Has Taught Me

  Here's a reason why we shouldn't indulge in self-pity when it feels like we are in the worst of situations; it is because before the pain God has been and is still mindful of you, and wills to bless you (Psalm 115:12). His eyes are ever on us, watching over us to keep us safe, giving us the boldness to believe that all is well despite the feeling of pain that seems to overwhelms us. Same way, being just as God is by the love of Christ upon us, we have the responsibility to stay mindful of one another, watching over each and everyone of our needs. You have the mandate to reveal God to the world; and one of the only ways to do that is by a simple act of love..... A little being mindful concerning the pressing affairs of the needy. In fact, the first criterion of being as Christ is, apart from our very redemption, is the acquisition of a life of compassion and love, without which no man can serve the other as Christ came to serve for the goodwill of mankind. Our ability to love and show a little kindness is the greatest mirror for the revelation of the actual person of God to the man in need of a God to find hope in. Jesus said if 'you' serve Me' follow Me (John 12:26). Jesus was kind, so be kind. He was full of compassion, do the same. He had the love of God flowing through His every vein, possess the same and express it to the fellow close to you right in need of the God's kind of love even if he conceals it, and by doing so comfort a soul in this world of peril just as God has done for you (2 Cor 1:4). Thus, if you're ready to be like Jesus was to the world, then be ready to give love unrestrained to as many as can receive, for love is the way to the heart of God......as God is love (1 John 4:8).


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