Drop That Load

 When God advices we get rid of something He terms "not needed", obliging would be the best option for the moment; and in the same way when He says retain something regardless of how unhelpful it seems, it means it has a greater usage in purpose than what meets the eyes. It's just like the initial moments when weeds start to sprout in a vineyard, it doesn't make sense to the person concerned to put so much effort into removing some tiny harmless greens, at least not until its deprecating impact begins to reveal itself. When He says drop it- be it that habit, possession, or even an individual, just like with the farmer, it may not really make much sense to you, but if you refuse, in years to come, perhaps one, two or twenty, the forechosen repercussions would begin to surface. While speaking to Israel concerning the inhabitants they were meant to drive off from the promised land, God said "...that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell......that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them" (Numbers 33:55-56). Whatever we may be harbouring around us in our material world, or within us in our internal world that is not aligned with God's design for us, must be evacuated now. Never wait until the adverse effects come; rather heed and obey for the security and bliss it will bring. It may not be so appealing for an action as it may seem on appearance and reasoning, but if God demands it there's got to be a very important purpose behind it. Abraham dropped Haran, and when he thought he had nothing else but deserts, he received the land of promise-Canaan, while Judas who refused to part ways with greed got put aside. There is a great benefit in trusting God, it may not appear so now in our case, but believe Him there is!


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