Why Do We Love?

  What do you think make you and your relatives a family? What do you think encloses you and your siblings in the bond of familyhood? When i say family, i mean it not in the context of an institutionalized group, but as a bond that makes you all an item.So, is it our blood? No, because to our ignorance, there might be numerous individuals that share at least a parent with us without our knowing, and yet we don't feel forced to love this unknown people because really we don't know them. In fact, that bully in school you hate so much could just be a brother you never knew. Thus, our blood line doesn't coerce us into loving them as a family.
So, is it our location? No, because from regular experiences, we know that living together with people doesn't make us love them anymore than we naturally can. If this was enough, the rate of divorces won't skyrocket every quarter of a year. Thus, not our location either.
So, if it isn't the blood we share, nor the location we both occupy, then what strengthens the bond between a brother and sister, a husband and his wife, parents and their children, a friend and his friends, and you and i? With no further ado, it is the decision to love one another; and the choice to remain in that love. You probably love your brother more than me because you have placed yourself under a solemn bond to forever love him, and this is camouflaged under the disguise of the fact that you are related, and so if you'd do the same for me, you would love me as you would love a brother. People say you don't choose who you love, but just like success and faith are choices, love as well is more a function of choice than chance. Hence, consciously choose to love all around you, for in love is life- both for you and I.
"owe no man nothing (in the sense of a debt).....but LOVE" (Romans 13:8)


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