Re-evaluate Your Life

 Are you experiencing certain setbacks that make you doubt if indeed God has any such thing as a good plan for you? Are you having retrenchments and retrogression instead of progression? And delay and denials instead of favours all around? For one, it could be that God's preparing you for something greater as He did with Joseph, and this,despite the pain,is just a preparatory period for your awaiting crown; since His plans remains ever of peace and goodwill to those who reverence Him in words and deeds. But on the other hand, it could also be as a result of our doing things against His precommanded instructions for us. For instance, Jonah tried to go against God's original plan for him, and instead of Tarshish he had his holidays in a blue whale's bowel (Jonah 1). The same thing happened with Jehoshaphat who when he tried to partner in trade with the king of Israel lost every bit of his goods......a consequence he got when he refused to heed to God's original plan to avoid any relations with them (2 Chro 20:37). But the best eye opening example is seen in the life of Joash. When everything turned sore for Judah after they had gone against God's will for them, the Spirit of God inspired a man who said "God wants to know why you are disobeying his commandments, for when you do, everything you try fails. You have forsaken the Lord, and now He has forsaken you" (2 Chro 24:20 TLB). This is in no wise meant to condemn you, but to help you know what to do, which is reconciliation, in case you are flawed in this aspect, so as to relieve yourself of the frustration that thinking God damns you to fail brings. This is the moment of re-evaluation. Auditors do the same when they can't figure out what's behind the mess around them in an attempt to bring all the books to unison so as to return to the ways of progression. Hence, in case we haven't done this at all, let's audit ourselves to fix any loopholes we might have with God, but just in case our accounts are balanced, then chill and relax, thanking God, and doing all He bids you to, because it simply means that greater things are coming you way as He prepares you for them.


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