Never Stay Fallen

 What is failure? When can it be finalized that a man has failed? Failure is not starting out wrong, because as far as you find yourself back you didn't completely fail. Failure is not falling down sometimes, because as far as you can get up you didn't fail. Failure is staying wrong, even when you've been shown the right path. Failure is falling off, and refusing to get back on track. Before God, we are not judged by our past- men may do that, but God doesn't, He judges us with the present. So, the world might have judged us as failures because we had a few lapses in time past, yet it doesn't mean we are unless you agree with them. You do not become a failure by the actions people throw at you, but by the reaction you respond with. Yea, they say you fell, but the real question is, are you willing to remain fallen. Like history teaches us falling isn't failing, remaining fallen is. I don't know how deep down you are fallen into any sort of emotional, social and spiritual malady, but the onus of changing what history would write about you lies in your own hands. Not only does God expect you to arise everytime you fall, He desires you stay standing. For God's sake that's why He said 'Come unto Me'. He is not planning to see you end up a failure on His watch...No, not on His watch; however, the final call depends on us.  When it comes to failing, our egos are our own worst enemies. As soon as things start going wrong, our defense mechanisms kick in, tempting us to do what we can to save face, even if it means complying with the suggestions of the world inorder to reduce the pain the daily debates cause. So, are you really willing to stay down because you feel judged by those around you as someone who does not have even a tiny bit of hope of bouncing back to normalcy? This is what i suggest you do- judge them back, but this time not with words as they did to you, but with an action that proves that you are not a failure: for while failures stay down, you're not planning on staying down. Job said 'When men say there is a casting down, i will say there is a lifting up' (22:29). Today, i implore you to take up the mindset unveiled in those words, and get up from your slough of defeat. Refuse to implode in self pity and condemnation. Instead, choose to rise again. Jesus rose again, and so can you; for indeed there is no victory for those who remain beneath and downcasted.


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