Learning In Time

 The onus of time is to give all generations to come an experience of what is appropriate and what is not in order for them to improve their well-being; and time over and over has shown that impatience is the rifle that kills him who wields it for his own benefit. From Bible stories to modern realities, it still stands its ground as such. For instance, Achan's death and his entire family abysmal end resulted from his impatience covered by the cloak of greed. On the verge of attacking Jericho, God had warned them all to avoid taking anything from there, but it seemed like Achan didn't so much as liked the plan, and so he kept a bunch for himself, just so that he wouldn't lose if it turned out God played them. But guess what? It was his self finalized calamity. Unknowing to him, God had prepared the next mini-sized city for their taking, that is to possess everything they had like the gold and cattle of Jericho (Joshua 8:2), but due to his wrongly timed decision, he missed his portion when the others got theirs (vs 27). Hence, even if you get nothing from this, learn this: Your decision to move ahead of God's time only gets you the best Achan had, which is what looks like a victory, but is really only a death trap. Never try to go against His plans for you; Never try to play a fast one on Him, thinking your own route is way better, because if you try to be fast on God, you end up slow to the devil, becoming an easy prey for his false lion-like nature to pounce on. Thus, be patient in all your endeavours, especially with God. Learn to do things at His time, in His way, and for His will to be done......for a man who has control over his spirit is worth more than a city of fools, and a patient man always gets the Job's reward....which is a life better than the one he had prior to his today (Job 42:12)


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