Keep Dreaming It Until You Start Living It

 In an episode of his regular radio broadcast "The Magnificent Motivational Minute", Willie Jolley had this spectacular words of wisdom to give, and i do believe it would profit you all if i share it with you;
  "Every day is a brand-new day, a day unlike any other day, a brand new opportunity to make your dreams come true. But inorder for your dreams to become true, it is necessary for you to have a dream. You've got to have a dream, a goal- not just a resolution that you make on the first of January and forget by the fifteenth, but a goal, a target, a destination that you have made a commitment to. It is critical that you have a dream. Dr Benjamin Mays said it so well when he said, 'It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in not having a goal to reach for. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture. It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim, is sin'..........If you aim at nothing, that is probably what you will hit! Aim high, dream big dreams, set big goals, and remember, all things are possible if you can just believe"
   Hence, Ladies and Gentlemen, don't focus on what you don't have, focus on what you are willing to have. Don't focus on what you don't know, focus on what you are willing to know. Just like a broken clock is always right twice a day, you can still find the greatness out of that despondent slough of life you find yourself.....if you can only believe: that is, by choosing to become great (having focused imaginations and dreams) and living to actualize that greatness (taking sensible actions towards fulfilment of your dreams). Godspeed as you endeavour on your voyage to do so!


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