Keep Doing: Persistence Pays

 It's simple logic that without an input, there is no output. Without doing anything, nothing can be done. Scripture says "An empty stable stays clean, but there is no income from an empty stable" (Pro 14:4 TLB). A workshop without work to do stays tidy, but carries no gain with it. In essence, you might have been abused or hurt by various people, but except you find new relationships, you will never find the right persons. You might have been mocked everytime you attempted using the intellect God blessed you with, but except you step up once again to use the same, you may never get what God placed such a brain in you to achieve. A cruse not used is one that gets nothing. An unused engine wears out in time. Our inability to get our stables dirty might just cause the cessation of any form of an income- be it financial bliss, relationship bliss, spiritual bliss and what have you. When God spoke to the children of Israel, telling them to move northward (Deut 2:3), He was giving them two options, which are 1) Pass through the countries you are afraid of and get to the promised land, or 2) Stay here and die off as time passes away....and i believe that's exactly what He's saying to each and everyone of us. Yes, you've been hurt, try again- just maybe you will find what you're looking for. You've failed half a dozen times, try again you may just pass today. You've been believing for years now, try again you may receive the next time. You've been brainstorming for a while, try again you might just get the life-changing idea you need. You may have been appealing for grants for months, try again you may just get it. Once again, we have just two options- 1)Do something we have grown weary of doing and perhaps get what we seek, or 2) Do nothing and get nothing. The cleanliness of a pig sty doesn't make you a hardworker, it just presumes that maybe you have no pigs at all. Get your guts tough, and march on to the fulfilment of what people never thought you would achieve and maybe, just might just find your stable filled with income of all sorts. Risk everything in faith, and in an attempt to try again in a method inspired until you find what you are looking for!


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