Have A Little Courage

  When bad things happen, we are left with two options- To either maul ourselves in tears even as we sing the 'give up' song, or take up a little courage to believe things would get better again. People are suffering in this world, and perhaps you might have had an experience yourself, yet in these sufferings the only way out is to chin out in courage and forge ahead for better experiences. God never tells us that we won't meet any form of challenges on this earth, but He did say that we must continue without giving up if we want to reap all we were purposed to receive (Gal 6:9). Courage to believe things as God said it would be keeps a man in the way God wants Him to be at the moment. For instance, when pain and despair gripped David's heart out of his chest, he had the choice of wasting strength in tears all day long, but instead he decided to first of all, above all other things, encourage himself in God. Literally, that means he decided to strengthen himself in God's ability to save a needy person like himself, and with that believing God would do it didn't even strain a muscle of his. Sometimes, our spirit can be so heavy at times like this, that the only way our body can think of ridding itself of it is by crying. God would not judge you for crying when you're hurt, but He'd advice that you stay strong and courageous in faith instead; because when we give in to the pain in tears, we wear down our body by telling it that its one hopeless situation, but when courageous we procreate some sort of hope even in hopeless circumstances. The scriptures adviced that "A man's courage can sustain his broken body, but when courage dies, what hope is left?" (Pro 18:14 TLB). Thus, i don't know what you're presently going through now as much as i do mine, but i know that if despite the pain you'd have a little courage to believe things would get better as God promised, then you'd have your soul believing it too, and your spirit too as directed by God's Spirit, until your physical manifestation starts interpreting it as true. But if you give in to tears alone, the best you would do is dehydrate yourself. For sometime now, this message of hope has become the most important to me, because in a world where the chances of seeing the realities of our hopes thins out by the day, what every single one of us 'hopers' need is a little more hope to keep us believing in the good that is coming very soon. Hence, this is me doing my part, i only hope you do the same- that is, staying courageous and aiding others do the same too. Once again, in a world where the hapless out-populates the hopefuls, hope is indeed vital to survive as wonderfully as God wants us to, and this hope is birthed only through the courage to stay believing inorder to start receiving. God has great plans for us amidst the turbulences of today, just have the courage to believe Him as He said it, and everything would just be alright in due season..... if only we faint not!


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