God's Not Dead

 It is reported that Isaac Newton believed that religious inquiry and scientific investigation complemented each other. He felt that there were truths to be found in both of the books authored by God- the Book of Scripture and the Book of Nature. Francis Bacon, founder of the scientific method, on the other hand called them the "book of God's words" and the "book of God's works". Both of these books provide abundant evidence for a Creator. Through creation, God has made His presence known to us; such that you cannot just know about Him, but actually know Him personally. The curiousity of man and his sometimes spiritual indolence keeps God creating more platforms to stand as proofs not only of His existence, but also of His willingness to fellowship with us. With such, it would be absurd to live as if God doesn't exists, talkless of even thinking it. Albert Einstein said " In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which i, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me angry is that they quote me for support of such views"; connoting that even though he didn't place his faith in God, he believed in God through the evidence of creation. Also, in a somewhat similar way, Charles Darwin did too, but also didn't have faith in God because he lacked a biblical understanding of God's character or the consequences of man's sin. In blaming God for the suffering that he saw, Darwin "believed that He exists" but did not "seek Him".....according to Ray Comfort in his commentaries of the Charles Darwin Bible. Hence, a need arises to not only redeem our senses to the truth that God exists, but to seek Him even between a rock and a hard place in absolute worship. If the most beautiful minds we celebrate today could, at least, believe in the reality of the true God, then we'd be fools if we don't believe in Him or all He's said. However, since increase in knowledge means going beyond the usual, we would be more smarter than them in the sight of the universe, if only we go beyond just believing He exists to truly seeking Him until we find Him, because serving God goes beyond being conscious of God, but being able to say yes whenever He asks "Will you follow Me?"


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