God Will Take Care Of Your Needs
It is a natural instinct for God to always be mindful about the needs of those He calls His children. He makes it a priority to get them to their better days. Note this: regardless of how unlucky a person may be in life, his father never for once stop desiring the day when things would turn around for his good. It may not be revealed publicly, but deep within that concern over his son's goodwill remains, at least not until He sees it manifested. Now, if a human, in our so many faults and imperfections can do that, how much God who created you out of love to fulfil a specific purpose He made specially for you? Here's what i am trying to say; today might not be your best day, in fact the day after may not either, yet never lose consciousness of the truth that God cares for you and is concerned about your welfare as much as you think you are. You are not in this alone, He got you, because more than you think He remains mindful of you (Psalm 115:12). When speaking to Israel, Moses reiterated the same by saying "The Lord has watched over you and blessed you every step of the way for all these fourty years as you have wandered around in this great wilderness; and you have lacked nothing in all that time (Deut 2:7 NLT). This is what he means; the present circumstances we find ourselves may not be our favourite, having this absent-mindedness of help any time soon, but just as much as we are concerned of a way out, God already has a plan. Though it might seem like we are backtracked, or very unpleasant considering the plans we have on ground ready to be implemented, God is so sure that we are lacking nothing. You know why? Because He has bigger and better plans ahead for us, and if only we would see the bigger picture as He does, and trust Him patiently, we would see how right He is. Thirteen years in slavery didn't seem nice for Joseph, but unknowingly in those years God was building a highway to the throne just for him. Believe Him too, He's doing the same for you. So what do we do? Let's learn to use the word "Thank you Lord" more than the question "why me Lord?"(1 Thess 5:18). Have an unwavering trust in God such that even when for fourty years you have just a pair of shoes like the Israelites, you are confident that it's never going to wear out. Hence, trust God for the future He has promised you- one of peace and not of evil. It may be seem like such now, but together let's trust Him for it, for truly He is able to do not only all He's said, but also exceedingly beyond all we've ever thought of. #liftedevenwhenitdoesn'tlooklikeit
It is a natural instinct for God to always be mindful about the needs of those He calls His children. He makes it a priority to get them to their better days. Note this: regardless of how unlucky a person may be in life, his father never for once stop desiring the day when things would turn around for his good. It may not be revealed publicly, but deep within that concern over his son's goodwill remains, at least not until He sees it manifested. Now, if a human, in our so many faults and imperfections can do that, how much God who created you out of love to fulfil a specific purpose He made specially for you? Here's what i am trying to say; today might not be your best day, in fact the day after may not either, yet never lose consciousness of the truth that God cares for you and is concerned about your welfare as much as you think you are. You are not in this alone, He got you, because more than you think He remains mindful of you (Psalm 115:12). When speaking to Israel, Moses reiterated the same by saying "The Lord has watched over you and blessed you every step of the way for all these fourty years as you have wandered around in this great wilderness; and you have lacked nothing in all that time (Deut 2:7 NLT). This is what he means; the present circumstances we find ourselves may not be our favourite, having this absent-mindedness of help any time soon, but just as much as we are concerned of a way out, God already has a plan. Though it might seem like we are backtracked, or very unpleasant considering the plans we have on ground ready to be implemented, God is so sure that we are lacking nothing. You know why? Because He has bigger and better plans ahead for us, and if only we would see the bigger picture as He does, and trust Him patiently, we would see how right He is. Thirteen years in slavery didn't seem nice for Joseph, but unknowingly in those years God was building a highway to the throne just for him. Believe Him too, He's doing the same for you. So what do we do? Let's learn to use the word "Thank you Lord" more than the question "why me Lord?"(1 Thess 5:18). Have an unwavering trust in God such that even when for fourty years you have just a pair of shoes like the Israelites, you are confident that it's never going to wear out. Hence, trust God for the future He has promised you- one of peace and not of evil. It may be seem like such now, but together let's trust Him for it, for truly He is able to do not only all He's said, but also exceedingly beyond all we've ever thought of. #liftedevenwhenitdoesn'tlooklikeit
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