Feelings May Fail, Faith Won't

 Have you ever noticed that nothing really changes in life circumstances, just our feelings. Most times when problems come, and we don't have a good feeling about it, it's like we are raining bad karma concerning it, but when we've got some hopeful feeling, we act as if the problem doesn't exist. This twist and turn in human emotions is what eventually leads some to the suicidal route. The promises of God concerning you will always be there, for the fact that you abide in Him, and He will fulfil it not by the limits of chronological timing, but in His appointed time, yet it would never appear as it is if you keep giving in to mere feelings. Know this: feelings have no respect for faith, it only responds how the external stimuli triggers it to, such that when the fire gets all our possessions, it keeps believing all hope is lost. But God is saying; Never get your hopes down, and this we do by simply consciously choosing to embrace faith other than mere feelings. He said, "Be not afraid of sudden fear......when it comes. For the LORD shall be your confidence, and shall keep your foot from being taken" (Pro 3:25-26). In other words, He means, when the fire gets your possessions, it may not look good, but you have to look good. Keep the happy face on based on the joy that flows through your spirit. It may not be the easiest human practice to do, in fact it isn't, but you've got to do it: you know why? because the fire's verdict is not what you are willing to take home, but God's own regarding that particular situation. You can't easily "unfeel" the sadness when bad things happen to you, but you can keep yourself with reckless abandon on the side of faith, choosing to believe what God has said rather than what your feelings depict.....and trust Him in it He has never failed!


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