Change Your Thinking To Improve Your Living

 There exists a certain set of individuals who demerit themselves into thinking that all God has made available for the good of mankind on the earth is meant only for those who are the opposite of every thing they are. Such that if they are black, then He's only favourable to the Non-blacks; if they are tall, then He's only favourable to the average heighted; if they were born poor, then He's only favourable to those born rich. This mentality that suggests God as being partial and unjust in His judgments has readily ruined many lives indeed, because while God expects them to be beneficiaries of all He's supplied in His grace, this group still stay awe-struck, but in a bad way, that out of their self-disqualifying state of mind they write themselves off, and never end up receiving any of the supplied benefits from God. However, what does God has to say about this: It is written that blessed is God who daily loads us with benefits (Ps 68:19); and regardless of whatever conditions men find themselves, the 'us' in that context means a general us where you and I are included. This in essence isn't targeted to the rich only, nor the white only, neither is it to the non-africans only, but definitely for all men. We can be rest assured of that because there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek before God, for He's a respecter of no man, and so is rich in the same way and at the same level to ALL men (see Rom 10:12). Thus, here's what you've got to do; de-orientate yourself from that self-deprecating mentality that God has no good plan for you based on the present circumstances you are seeing, and re-orient yourself to accept all God's grace has supplied for you. It shouldn't be your utmost concern whether you deserve it or not, Jesus already did that, just tap in and enjoy from that grace that embraces all. Hence, see yourself receiving all you've believed in God for; for in the same way He was rich to Abraham, rich to Lincoln, rich to the today's world elites, He is more than also ready to be rich to you- all you have to do is simply trust in His word to open-handedly accept all He's given. Will you be among the receptors of His benefits or the non-receptors! Your approach to His supplied grace determines it all.


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