Bounce Back

 If we were to have a survey on the most common things among citizens of this world, other than the fact that each continent has children given birth to everyday, and the fact that every family has a reason to thank God daily, is the fact that every individual has a problem to fix everyday- either problems inflicted on self, or on others. Logically, the fall of man procreated an entry point for problems to afflict the souls of men, but without doubt, the man redeemed in Christ has received liberty from the bondage of sin and sorrow (Gal 3:13). What this means is that though you might be passing through some problems, but you're not licensed to remain in them. God's own blueprint for you as a Christian is that after your suffering seems to have prevailed a while, you receive heavenly backed settlement to make you strong and firm in a position He has prepared for you (1 Peter 5:10), even as His living light floods your path (John 8:12 TLB). So whenever it appears as though the snow is building up on you, literally meaning that if your problems seem to be expanding day by day beyond the very horizon of your life, becoming more huge than you can handle, causing you  to even think that God is not interested in fixing it, know that His will for you is liberty from such contradictory situations. In the context regarding Israel's oppression by Assyria, speaking of the source of Israel's woes, God said "Though he builds his army millions strong", the Lord declares "it will vanish" (Nahum 1:12 TLB). That's exactly what i believe He is saying to you as well. Regardless of how huge and more concrete your predicaments are becoming, He leaves an assurance that it is all going to vanish. Hence, let your mind be at peace, because as long as you remain reverential to God, His eyes would remain stuck on you, doing everything possible to relieve you of all oppressions (Psalm 147:11, 2 Chro 16:9), such that in your life the polls would favour God's loving kindness as being more frequent than the problems of life.


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