Your Faith Will Make A Way For You

 Your faith is your first alibi to why you must receive the fulfilment of the promise you seek. Other than the natural law of sowing and reaping, it is the only seed sown by man assuredly bound for a return- "According to thy faith, let it be done unto you". And so the primary leverage you need for your desires to be forced into reality is faith, because before anyone can believe in your dreams- even life, you must first believe in them. Paul said "I believe, therefore have I spoken" (2 Cor 4:13). Nations believe Paul's revelation of the Lord till date because as seen he first believed in it. In the same way, no one is going to tread the path of your dream until you believe it enough to walk therein first. In fact, no one will find the way, until like a trailblazer you make a way, and as a pacesetter lead the way. People seek to follow a man who believes in his cause enough to live by it, and God seeks to bless a man who believes in Him for that cause to see it confirmed. Abraham believed God and we know the rest. In essence, just like I emphasized in the previous note, while you are investing in yourself, doing all instructed to be done, remember that what makes dreams fertile enough for realization is faith- and so stay, having faith. Tune your heart to autobelief and trust in God and in all that has been promised that that which you seek must surely be found. Remember, unless you believe, you shall not be established (Isa 7:9). Hence, to see great manifestations this year, as is our promissory note for the year, embrace greatness-engendering faith today and watch those dreams come alive!


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