Trust In God’s Purpose For You

- Trust In The Lord's Purpose For You
 You'd remember that I once said that wherever God has you per time is where He wants you, not only because He never makes mistakes, but also because right there He either wants to do something for you, to you, or through you. According to Jesus, the societal invalid born blind was where he was at that moment to become a sign of God's power and glory to many. In the same way, regardless of how the struggles of the present may overwhelm you, God's primary purpose is to use that scenario you're in as the platform to showcase His glory. Remember Lazarus. His case seemed hopeless, but it was Christ's eventual tool to give hope to the hapless. When he was meant by nature to be entering the phase of decomposition, God used him as a sign to impact lives even to this day when we hear that story. In essence, what i'm saying is that, what you count as the odd part of your life judging by present circumstances is God's tool to completing your story unto glory. What you say is the worst phase of your life is God's bridge to take you to where He wants you to be in time- that is, if you are actually walking in His will. Capering when things are good, and sobbing when things turn sour won't add any value to your life. I have been there and done that; and i can boldly tell you that only finding peace in God's plan despite its present unpleasantries is the way to keep mustering the courage to believe and live as He wants you to. Joseph's was more disheartening, yet he knew that there is a God who promises a thing and sees to it that he accomplishes it. Thus, every person has a purpose, as every moment has its as well; and keying ourselves into the purpose of God for each moment gives us peace. Seeing as He sees in each situation will keep us in a place of solace amidst the pandemonium surrounding us. God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him; it's just that no one knows the exact time of His reward. But in all things concerning you, find peace in that it is only a matter of time. Simply trust God in this trying moment and watch Him launch you to your next level. Hence, in everything everytime, trust in God's plan for you and stick to it to the very end; because like i'll always say, that's where your blessings are.


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