Though It Tarries, It Will Come

- Though It Tarries, It Will Come
One of the hardest things to do is to wait patiently for something you believe you need urgently. But despite how dislikened it is, God calls us to wait for the fulfilment of His promises. You know Hannah, right? The popular Prophet Samuel's-in the Bible-mother. Yes, her. Of Hannah, it is said that year after year, her futile search for a child continued. And something else that continued was the provocation her mates caused her, thereby making bitter weeping her constant habit (see 1 Sam 1:7). But of this same Hannah, it is said that God remembered her (vs 19), and in due time her weeping turned into a melodious song of testimonies, and that song never ceased as she kept on having more and more each passing year. The moral here is that in life things are going to be late in coming sometimes; oftentimes it may even span toward the year after year mode, but if you can wait for God, then you have set up yourself to get paid. For instance, in restaurants nowadays, the bills are paid when the meal is finished, and as long as the waiter keeps his wait he is bound to get his anticipated cheque. The same thing applies with God. Sometimes He wants to test our resilience in expectation before releasing the plethora of blessings He has reserved for us. So hear this: No matter what you seem to be passing through, concerning your expectation He says it is for a set time, wait for it. It may tarry, wait for it, it will surely come to pass (Hab 2:3). Refuse to be a milquetoast when it comes to waiting on God, rather choose to joyfully and expectantly wait until His word proves true. Abraham waited patiently until he obtained the promise (Heb 6:15). You too can. In fact, choose to; for though it may tarry, it will surely come to pass.
Also,  For everything there is-every purpose, every event, there is a time and a season. The day has its time, the night does as well. You may be in your night today- filled with weepings and all that, but wait for it your sun is about to rise. The sun that heralds joy into your life is about to rise, just keep watching and waiting for it. It is so close in coming. As long as you have been sowing righteousness even in that tearful time, prepare to reap mercy and joyful moments. Just like many of us are right now, Job passed through rigorous times. And just like him, God hasn't forgotten you. Well, you can learn something from Job. He said "If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will i wait till my change comes." (Job 14:14). Did Job's fortune change for good? Of course it did. Thus, don't give up on all God already promised you; keep waiting like Job did to receive the restoration of Job. Bank on these two things, that it is impossible for God to lie and for Him to change. So, don't give up on the promise. Refute the idea or thought that all is lost. No! All is just starting. David had the same story. He said he would have fainted if he hadn't believed to have seen the goodness of the Lord. And as a word of advice to us, he said, Wait on the LORD (Ps 27:13-14). Hence, your time is coming; No devil can stop it, as long as you stick to God's plan for you. Listen, your change of story is not at the mercy of time, it is at the mercy of your decision to wait for God. Remember, though that expectation of yours may tarry, yet wait for it, it will come. This is your year of great manifestation, wait for it with pure devotions to God, it will come. "There failed not any of the good things God had spoken to the house of Israel; all came to pass" (Josh 21:45).


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