The Word Will Change Your Life

- The Word Will Change Your Life
" And we will never stop thanking God for this: that when we preached to you, you didn't think of the words we spoke as being just our own, but you accepted what we said as the very Word of God-which, of course, it was- and it changed your lives when you believed it."(1 Thess 2:13 TLB). One of the great benefits of the word of God is its capability to change our lives once we believe it. God's intention towards us at all times is to make our lives better. He savours in enhancing our better living. The scripture tells us that He sent His word to Jacob, and it lighted upon Israel. God's word was what translated Jacob from the supplanter to the nation we know today; and it is exactly the same thing that would change you. All you have to do is believe it. Jesus said "According to your faith, let it be unto you". What we believe validates what we receive; and there is nothing worth believing than God's word. The word of God is ever transforming. David describes it as the light that illuminates our lives once we accept and believe it. Thus, here's God wants from you: Jesus said "Ye believe in God, believe also in Me", and we know that He is the word personified. It's ironic but true that a lot of us truly believe in God as our Lord, but find it difficult to wholly believe His words concerning us. You may have been sick for a while now, yet the only hope of your getting restored is to first of all believe God's verdict regarding your health. He said that He will restore health unto you and heal you of all your wounds. So, there is hope for us all. Regardless of what we may have experienced, all we have to do is believe God's word for us despite its somewhat being contrary to our present state often times. Once again, remember, your change starts with a word from God; because as many as believed His word were made whole, and are given the power to access His capabilities for our benefit. Hence,embrace the word, believe it, walk in it, talk it, and forge a life pattern through it that facilitates your living life to the fullest- better and brighter.


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