Take A Stride Towards Fellowship

- Take A Stride Towards Fellowship
 Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired of never experiencing what it means to reach the summit of your walk with God? Well, you need not be. Having a fulfilling walk with God demands a wholehearted devotion to Him. In essence, what I mean here is that to fully have a life transforming experience with God, we must be willing to give all of ourselves to Him wholesomely. Not only is this the most proven way to effectively walk with God, that is wholehearted fellowship; it is the most efficacious means of accessing all He has reserved for us. When we give God our hearts, He gives us all that is in our hearts. Ps 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of thy heart". God wants all of you. He wants to be involved in everything you do. He is interested in where you go, what you want to eat, what you want to buy. He's interested in being a part of every single moment of your life. The problem with most of us is that while we think we know how to woship, many of us suck at fellowship. God demands our worship, but more than anything He desires our fellowship. You can worship from afar, but you can never fellowship with God unless you abide close to Him everyday everytime. He wants to be part of every single detail of our lives. He doesn't want to just walk before us, nor after us, but with us. God wants to speak to us, advice us, encourage us, and comfort us; but except we dwell where we have constant communion with Him, we may miss out of that plan for our lives. So, here's what i'm asking you to do: each day you wake, don't be satisfied with just doing the talking, yearn to hear Him talk to you. Remember, we are meant to talk with God, not simply to God.  Worship is somewhat like a one-way road, while fellowship is a two way road; and God wants to walk that road with you. Well, you may not hear some audible voice, but just as He has a distinct form of speaking to us all, He will always find His way of getting across to you, if you are willing to let Him. Perhaps an assuring feeling in your spirit; or an inspiration; or an influx of words into your heart. In either ways, God will surely speak to you when you are willing to hear from Him. Habakkuk said i will stand my watch...to see the word He will say to me (2:1). And how did God respond? He spoke. God wants to speak to you today. If you'd be attentive enough to stand watch until you perceive the sound of His voice, then you'd receive from Him. God always gives a word; and is everly willing to seal instructions in our ears, we just need to let those ears open, and those hearts inclined to the calling of His voice. The change you are expecting is just one word away; therefore, take heed to wait for His voice, and once He does speak, as He says unto you, do it. #GodSpeaks.


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