See The Bigger Picture (2)

 Like i insinuated the last time, where you are now is more than enough for God to take you higher if you'd just keep doing all He wants you to. And remember, once you get there, it remains paramount that you keep it all about doing His will first. Everywhere God places us is to facilitate the accomplishment of His purposes. That is to say that your being in a room full of somewhat different folks- towards the negative side- is to help them get better, because that is His purpose for all mankind. Your being rich or super smart is to help the world around you that needs that kind of talent and grace. However, if we refuse to do what is demanded of our position, He'll find someone else to do it. When the pharisees complained to Jesus about why He should be praised on His entry to Jerusalem, He recanted, saying that, if they stopped, the stones will immediately pick off from where they left off. Mordecai told Esther that she was made queen for a time when the Jews would be in danger and in need of such infleunce (Esther 4:14). God has us where we are because there is something He has His eyes on fulfilling through us in that position. I want you to look at yourself and where you presently are, and ask yourself simple questions like "Why was i placed here?" "What can i do while i'm here?". If you can find the right answers to those questions, fulfilling destiny would be less of an headache- that is, more easier and less complicated. And here is how you can do that: Seek God, and enquire of Him all you need to do at all times. Get the route to shape that bigger picture by His guidance that navigates us into destiny. David always did this, and he succeeded. If you do, you will. God put you where you are for a reason; knowing that reason makes pleasing Him simple; and pleasing Him makes our being blessed assured. Hence, learn His reasons for placing you where you are, and comply to please Him, and please Him to stay blessed.


  1. Yeah, it's all true. Everything happens for a reason we need to understand that, something great is waiting for us.


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