See The Bigger Picture (1)

 God always has a reason for putting us where He places us. The method of getting us there may not be pleasant, yet it is all for a good purpose. Like gold, we may not like the heat of the fire, but it is still the same fire that makes gold, and will make us. With Joseph, it was slavery. With David, it was vagrancy. These are circumstances worthy of panicking, but they knew and trusted in God's bigger picture of the whole situation. So, let me tell you that it is not self deception to believe that that slum-like situation you're in is only your temporal abode, because He has much bigger plans for you. I'm also telling you not to judge the book of your life by the cover, because God has some pretty great things written in its chapterly anecdotes. It is not a crime to revel in optimism towards God's plans for your life even when there are no visible signs to encourage that idea; it is the right thing to do and the truth. Look at what Joseph said, "so now it was not you that sent me hither, but God" (Gen 45:8). Refuse to go about seeking for whom to blame for your situation. See God in the bigger picture using this your short-changed moment to show the world just how great He is at lifting people up. "He raises the poor out of the dust....that He may set him with princes" (Ps 113:7-8). God is going to lift you up from where you are. Simply refute the intention to harbour a bad attitude in times of unpleasantries; rather no matter what the circumstances, keep rejoicing in Him for all that lies ahead brightly in your future- and even when you have no sign to help you believe, His word always is. See Habakkuk 3:17-19. Hence, keep expecting your lifting, because i sure do know it's going to come; and i only hope you do too.


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