Pursue Purpose With Zest Until You Fulfil It

- Pursue Purpose With Zest Until You Fulfil It
 Greatness is established where purpose meets diligence, dedication and determination. That is, know your purpose and pursue it unswervingly until its accomplishment is realized. The most important thing to you should be your purpose; and this is because our destiny is characterized in our purpose for living. Thus, if there is anything you should crave passion for in order to fulfil, it must be your purpose. Your  purpose is who you are. It is your inherent program in-and towards-life. It is the only phase of your life that gives you a sense of fulfilment and completeness. And to show the inanimosity of the need to chase purpose with all we are, Paul retorted as it pertains to this subject, saying, "So i run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. I fight to win. I'm not just shadow boxing or playing around" (1 Cor 9:26). God created man for His pleasure and purpose; and this accomplishment of purpose is what makes the difference between living and merely existing. Just like an apparatus, until we have performed the essence for our being made we have not reached efficiency. Hence, let it be a priority to you to live out your lifetime fulfilling your purpose. Every man has a function manual; and working by that manual leads us to efficiency in life. So, if you want to live a life that attracts greatness and favour, ensure you're living a life wrapped around purpose. Let purpose be your guide. Let purpose be your mission. And once that's done, pursue it with all the zest you've got. Be diligent in your pursuit; be dedicated in your consistency to find it, and be determined to remain on it. Don't ever be circumstantially influenced in your approach to living, rather be purpose driven; and as you do so, i hope you do reach destiny. However, know that destiny can only be reached by treading the path of purpose. Thus, keep walking; keep pursuing; keep chasing, until you find purpose and fulfil it.


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