Make Peace A Priority

  "Let thy work appear unto thy servant, and thy glory unto their children" (Ps 90:16). From the above, we can see that works are complementary to servants as glory is to children. The scripture here reveals that the best mere servants can get from God are just His works- evidences of His power. It may seem good right, but look at what the children get- Glory. Those who seek to attain the glory prepared by God for them must learn to grow in their stewardship to Him from the basis of servanthood to that of sonship and daugthership. Being a child-His child is the only assurance that we have an inheritance awaiting this world and His to come. Remember like Jesus said 'the bread are prepared only for the children'(Mk 7:27); and that's why God's desire for us is to move up the ladder from mere workers and servants of God to a plane where we can live as children of God. To the plane of those who have an inheritance from Him, bred in Him, directed by Him, and taught of Him. However, what does it take to be one? First, not only does being born again and faith-filled make you one, it also gives you the same level of sonship and grace Christ enjoys. Nevertheless, Jesus shows us the way to cement our places as children. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God". 'Called' here depicts that it will be seen of men, thereby fulfilling the Matt 5:16 mandate of God for us. As children we were called to peace- "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace" (Col 3:15)- and only by abiding in this same peace can the fullness of our son/daugtherships be seen clearly by and nonliving, thereby fulfilling the exact purpose for which we were called. Hence, being at peace with God tells you you are a child of God; while being at peace with men shows that you are one. Remember, it's possible to live at peace with all (Rom 12:18), and if only we'd be willing to reflect the God side of us by expressing His peace to all, then the glory He sees in us shall be seen of all men. #MakePeaceAPriority


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