Make Impact A Priority

- Make Impact A Priority
 Take this opportunity of life God has gifted you, and live it the best way you possibly can. This is paramount because whether a man has a hundred years to live or twenty, what really matters isn't how long he lived, but how well he lived. Methuselah had almost a millenium to live, while Jesus had just a little past three decades, yet we know who the world still remembers. This is also very important because our success in life-in all its ramifications- is not measured by how long we stay up, but by how much impact we make while up. In essence, i'm enjoining you to turn your world around for the better. Make a cause to change lives for Jesus- and also for the sake of societal betterment every creature craves. Establish impact as a goal, and facilitate its achievement wherever you go; because what keeps our individual history indelible in time isn't existence, but impact. There is something the world around you needs you to do. It may never say it, it may never concede to its cravings for it; but the existence of such a need despite others' resolutions shows that you have a role to play in resolving it. There is something the world around you lacks; something that if you can provide, then you would have made impact. A little kind words in a hate stricken society can heal up large wounds, and bring huge impartations to its people. A little food to a hunger ravaged region would do the same; as water to the tongue of the famished. Your encouragement to the disparaged and the weak would also do the same. You don't have to build or buy something to make an impact, you just have to give something- regardless of its tangibility or intangibility. Giving something that influences the lives of others in the positive is the clear definition of impact. It doesn't have to be the whole world at once; just impact one person and as a cascade you would have sowed an effect that will eventually flow from one generation to the next. Don't downsize yourself because you can't afford something big; that little gesture of yours can make a giant out of someone out there. Little things carry weight when done with a large heart. And here's something else you should know about impact: Impact is the currency used to assess how well we've lived. Thus, Being a part of this providential system gives you a platform for impact, and an unrecantable remark that you indeed lived well. You were made for impact; as was I. Remember the words, "Be thou fruitful and replenish the earth....."; remember, "Let your light so shine amongst men". We are creatures of impact; and whether we like it or not, our best lives are only lived when we decide to live for impact. Hence, wherever you find yourself right now, do that one thing that you know that when your time on this earth is up, you'd be proud that you did it, knowing that the memory of such deed in the hearts of men would live beyond you- and outlive you as a good report concerning you. Do the right thing today, and make that impact your world needs.


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