Live Right To End Right

You know it's funny how people react when you tell them about hell; and thus begin to wonder about what their rudimentary knowledge of hell is. You tell a guy that his present amoral actions according to scripture would lead him to hell, and he just shrugs off your opinion, and responds with the most amusing yet confused belief i've ever heard: "That ain't a problem to me; the party continues in hell". Such a response usually begs the question-from you to them: "Why do you want to go to hell?". Did anyone ever tell you that people dance all night long in hell? Well they lied. God describes the state of hell in only about 4 characteristics- and dancing wasn't one of them. He calls it a place of 1)weeping, 2) wailing, 3) gnashing of teeth, 4) a place where the worms of torment never die. So, in case you ever thought that hell is a place where you continue dancing with rhythmic movements where we left off on earth, then you have been deceived. God made hell and what He calls it is what it is, regardless of our over-opinionated suggestions. With this, it is only the most intelligible thing to do when we're asked to fix our ways to God's pleasing. He chooses who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, and so pleasing Him is key. I'm sorry if this note is not a motivational enough for you, but if your life is worth more than enough to you, then i believe it's what you need at the moment; because our lives in these places are not subject to time, it is eternal. Don't think i'm telling you to live in the fear of hell- No, only in the fear of God expressed by untainted reverence to Him; however if that will keep you up on your feet in your walk with God at all times, then i'm by no means telling you not to. The end of this is that you- as well as I-live a life worthy of all acceptation to God.... The sort of life that when weighed only points towards etenal bliss; and a life led by the Holy Spirit and basked in the wisdom immersed in the word of God tends towards it. Thus, my speaking of hell doesn't mean we are going to hell, it simply suggests that we shouldn't go there. Hence, as much as it is possible, LIVE RIGHT!


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