Learning Is Your Life's Way Of Earning

-Learning Is Your Life's Way Of Earning
 Unlike rubber, the mind once stretched by new ideas and inspiration can never return to its original position. The knowledge we feed on make us, and eventually make our lives outcome. In fact, man was made to survive by knowledge; for as scriptures say, people perish for lack of knowledge. To attain success, you must be willing to stretch your mind to acquire new ideas that push you to reach deeper within yourself to pursue your dreams. Like i once said in one of these notes - get inspired. Let the thought of all you can advice inspire you to do more and get more. Keep learning better ways to improve yourself. I've been writing these notes for almost six years now, and no matter how impactful they seem to get, i still rate them at better, so that i have enough room to reach my best. No matter how successful you may be now, keep getting inspired to continue pushing to accomplish more. Remember, if you don't act on life, life will act on you. So, whatever you must learn to achieve your dream, do it. Jotham prepared his ways and prospered (2 Chro 27:6). Hence, stay motivated to keep improving on yourself; keep your eye on the goal regardless of how much you've missed it in the past; Have a new determination to not give up until life gives in to your demand. Don't compromise because of what the news say, rather stay calm in learning what must, so as to be found prepared when the curtains roll up. I know that the fulfilment of a goal is pivoted on the extent of improvement we are ready to make on ourselves towards that goal. Therefore, i choose this day to invest in self improvement and life elevating inspirations: what about you? Someone once said that what i do today is important because i'm paying a day of my life for it. What i accomplish must be worthwhile because the price is high! Note, you can't get to where you can't drive yourself. Thus, stay inspired always to keep stretching in knowledge........ It is the quickest way to earn.


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