Keep The Fire Of Faith Kindled

Ralph Waldo Emerson made a remarkable quote that should keep the fire burning within you to attain regardless of how life's circumstances seem to detain your dreams. He said, "The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word". Permit me to tell you that every thing going on right now that sort of try to usurp your positivity mindset is simply a weighing balance to measure up how much you truly believe in your achieving that dream. In that quote, he suggests that all you need do in this situation is to obey the principles that have worked for so long; and if you keep on, you will find what you seek. Never get discouraged, keep believing in what you anticipate to receive soon; for without faith, there can't be heroes- that is why like Abraham they are called heroes of faith. Keep walking in that belief, that it will all unravel itself into your desired future as long as you keep up doing all that is required for the dream to be fulfilled. As your faith grows, the sudden reality of that dream draws closer, and as you complement such a faith with appropriate actions, you can only find what you are looking for. So, yes, this is me telling you to stay believing- for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Have faith in your dreams. Have faith in God- in fulfilment of it, for whatever God touches-not Midas-turns to gold; and faith initiates this alchemy. Hence, do you want to reach altitudes of achievement that staggers the imagination? Then, have faith!


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