Influencing Your World With Love

- Influencing Your World With Love
 In the immortal words of James Matthew Barrie, "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves", while Lord Alfred Tennyson makes it clearer by saying, 'I hold it true, whatever befall. I feel it, when i sorrow most, tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". Humans are made to feel the greatest fulfilment when they express the virtue of love to one another. The more we love, the more we become complete. And ironically, in a world presently characterized by chaos and unpleasantries, there are a lot of people all around the world in need of some love....some compassion....some kindness. From the widow to the orphan, the war stricken fellow to the unfortunate ones overridden by unending woes. The world is so dark that only the light that emanates from love can heal it. Even the scripture assures us that where faith has no effect, and hope no grounds, love stamps its authority. Thus, i ask, when last did you extend a helping hand to someone in dire need? When last did you feel the nudge of compassion towards those experiencing hard times? Love encompasses more than just having what you can give; it begins with the willingness to give. Love may be extended through our hands and mouths, but before that can be done, it is first established in the heart. When last did you have the heart to feel the pain of others, with a restlessness to help ease their woes? When Jesus saw the widow weeping for her dead son, He had compassion on her, and ensured He brought her the solace she dearly needed. Let this be a call to you to embrace kindness; and extend it to everyone around you. Henry James said, "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind". So,  we must be keen to show a little kindness and be amorous advisedly to everyone we come across at all times. Hence, from today, embrace love and as i mentioned already extend it to those around in form of kind words, kind deeds and kind reactions. Hope we can personify love, because this dying world needs a lot of it to stay alive. Therefore, get on this train to keep the world alive, by influencing it with love.


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