Hold On!

Life is going to keep hitting us so hard as though it knows we are going to break at some point, yet it's our job to refuse to get broken. No matter how it bends you, decide to never break. And how do you do this? By consistently stretching yourself to see the somewhat faint light in that dark tunnel where you find yourself presently. Keep your eyes on that light. Remind yourself of how great a future lies ahead of you, and how a single compromise against staying steadfast in that vision can ruin it all. Many a person have destroyed his prospect of attaining greatness all because he chose to faint when it was demanded of him to remain firm. Joseph had every reason to be broken- since he was in a confinement for more than a decade- but he kept his eye on the promise, and left his eyes there with corresponding works until he got its realities. I would be a liar if i told you that there wouldn't be any challenges on your way this year, but whether you back out or you keep going is a choice only you can make. Thus, refuse to break regardless of what comes your way; and this you can do as said already by keeping your eyes set on every single promise God has given you. David said "I would have fainted if i hadn't believed to have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Ps 27:13).  Hence, focus on the realities of the goodness that God has prepared for you in the coming days; and keep pressing on unto the greater days ahead.


  1. David writes "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees."
    Psalm 119:71 NIV God is teaching me how much more I need to hold on to Him


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