God Hears Your Prayers

 We serve a prayer hearing God, but more importantly, we serve a prayer answering God. Speaking to Zechariah, the angel said "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son..." (Luke 1:13). He didn't just hear it, He responded to it with the appropriate answer. I want you to know that that request of yours isn't just being stored up in heaven, it is having a response prepared for it for your joy to be full (see Ps 18:6-19). Regardless of how hard the matter is, with God it is never too hard to not be answered. So expect a response today. God hears the prayer of the righteous (Pro 15:29), and such prayers before Him always avail much (Jam 5:16). Thus, from this moment, approach His throne of grace with this new sense of belief that whatever you ask in His name, He will do (John 14:14); and whenever you go to Him, you will always find grace to help in time of need. Prayer can change anything, and fortunately God is ever ready to approve our prayers with almost immediate responses. More so, if there's any need you know must be given attention to, take it to the Lord in prayers, without an iota of doubt in receiving positive remarks- for He always answers the prayer of His own. Hence, in your prayer time, never doubt God again, rather be rested on the truth believing that no matter how hard a situation may seem, whatever- yeah, i said whatever- you ask in His name, He is committed to do. So, go ahead and commit all of those needs  to Him in prayer; for indeed we serve a prayer answering God.


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