Go Beyond Knowing To Loving God

- Go Beyond Just Knowing To Loving God:
 Knowledge puffs up while love builds up (1 Cor 8:1). There is no real growth in just knowing as there is in loving. Knowing God won't take you to places where loving God will. And that's why His command is not just 'know the Lord', but 'love the Lord with all your heart'. Our love for God is what secures our place with Him. It is a norm for all people to know God- whether in opposition or in agreement to Him; and that's the more reason why what God seeks more is a people who love Him. Remember, all things work together for them that LOVE God (Rom 8:28). The change of level experience you seek is pivoted in the expressions of our love for God. So, what have you been doing thus far? Just Knowing or Loving God? Well, you might ask "how am i supposed to know? Knowing God may keep us reverential to Him, dependent on Him and eager to dwell in Him, but with a slight contrast, loving God keeps us accountable to Him. For this is the love for God, that we keep His commands (1 John 5:3). Our knowledge of God gives us a platform to be saved, but only our love for God can keep pushing us away from doing things that are displeasing to God- as such keep us saved. Thus I'm asking you to go beyond just saying God is your Father to living like one whose Father is the Lord. You may know everything about God yet you will have no real treasure in Him until you start loving Him; for His blessings are for those who love Him. Furthermore, this is how people know that you love God, that you love one another. Hence in your pursuit to love God more in words, deeds and thoughts, complement it by showing the same degree of love to those around you, because your character reflects who your father is; and God wants us loving them all as He loves us.


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