Get Motivated

I once heard about the story of a certain man. He was rich, adventurous, and had a huge chateaux to show for it. In his backyard, he had a pool, and in it he had all varieties of wild animals ranging from sharks, crocodiles and alligators etc. This rich man organized a party, and set a bet that whoever could swim from one end of the pool to the other would receive whatever he desired from him. Before anyone could say jack, everyone saw a splash of water with a guy in the pool, dribbling as best as he could past all the sharks and gators. In no time he was out of the pool. The rich man ran all perplexed towards him, shocked at how easily he had performed the task; and as reward asked him what he wanted him to do for him. The man in question said, "what i want more than anything in the world is the name of the man who pushed into the water". Many of us are like that fellow; and this is another reason why superheroes' movies are somewhat boring- they never believe they can save the world until the key female character say something like ''C'mon,you can do it''. Some of us believe that we need to be pushed before we can fully reach our potentials. Well, never put all your hopes on external motivation- they won't always be there. Get self-motivated. Don't wait for others to push you to do what you know you should and can do, push yourself. The fulfilment of your every dream is a result of personal engagement; meaning that you have to be at your dream's beck and call to do all it demands at all times, everytime. And most times since no one really cares about you more than yourself and your God, the only standby motivation you should count on would be your own say about yourself, and God's about you. There are thirty days left to change your story forever this year; and i'm asking you not to put your life on the hold because some traffic light-based on your evaluation of others' opinion- hasn't shown green; show yourself green and keep moving until you end this year as the guy who achieved all he had in him to. I really wish you achieve everything you set out to; however if you're going to, you have to keep running even when there's no one to say 'Run'. Godspeed!


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