Find Your Ground

 Without death, life will not be appreciated; Without poverty, riches will be undervalued; Without foolishness, wisdom won't be a necessity. Life is not a playground, it is a battleground; one where each man must know what he wants, and be ready and willing to give his best to attain it. And so if the sight of the dilapidating situation of many don't spur you to want to do all you can to be receptive to good fortune, then you're not worth the riches you seek. If the heartbreaking folly displayed by multitudes around you never give you the concern to search and reach for a better sense of reasoning, then you're not worth the wisdom needed. If on seeing the thousands that die untimely in our days you never have the nudge to live your life the best you can, then you are not worth the life you have. Life is not primarily judged by what you have, but by what you aspire to have, and can have. Lack is not the sin, low aim is. The inability to project a better life for yourself even though you have none yet is the evidence of failure. Not being the best at what you do now isn't the problem, never having the mind to - even if only in your dreams- is. My belief is that even if nothing else surges you to want to be better, the sight you see everyday around you of people despoiled, despaired and distorted as a result of being where you presently are should. Remember, the grace is abundantly available; what's scarce is the decision to make our lives better than this. Hence, i solemnly decide this day to do the best i can, learn the best i should, and believe the best i ought to so as to receive the best possible and impossible in life. I decide to be better than this me today. I hope you can make a similar deeds-defended proclamation; and when you do make it, i hope you live by it. In one to ten years tops, i hope to see you at the possible and impossible best you just envisioned now. Godspeed till you get there.


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