Destined For More

- Destined For More (1)
 If there is one truth we must learn to embrace, it is that where we are now isn't where we are meant to be forever. There is a revelation God has towards us- which is for each and everyone of us to be conformed into His very best from glory to glory. So in His sight, where we are per time isn't our end, nor close to it, but our beginning. Some things are meant to come to pass so that better ones can come to stay. So, be encouraged, because whatever state you are now- good or ugly, impoverished or fortunate- isn't destined to be your pitstop, it is just the lane to the greater phases God has in store for you. Having just left Laban's house, Jacob said to Esau "I have enough"; yet God still maintained His promise to give him the lands of the six foreign nations where his father abode. Just like Jacob, God is not done with you yet. Even when you think you have reached the enough mark, He sets you up for more. Make that your mentality and regardless of what you pass through, you'd still have the zest to muster enough courage to respond that things would get better. Remember, His plans for us are for our peace and not evil, to give us the future we anticipate; therefore hold on to that word, regardless of how long, because indeed it will surely manifest in your every day life. Thus, today, put a smile on your face because God is not done with you yet. He's still taking you to places you haven't been before; experiences you haven't seen before. There might even be new challenges, but trust Him, in His grand plan, you will scale through them all. Habakkuk said, I will rejoice though the fields produce no food, for God is my strength and He will make me walk upon high places (see Hab 3:17-19). I want you to heartily say the same: Regardless of what present appearance there is, in time you will realize that things are destined to get better, for God is not done with you, my friend. He has glory to glory in mind for you. Hence, get excited and stay excited, till we see on the glory side.
Another truth you should also embrace is that as believers we are destined for greatness. Scripture says "And have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; we shall reign on the earth" (Rev 5:10). God sees us as kings ordained to reign and rule over circumstances in life, and priests to guide the lagging towards wholesomeness in their knowledge of whom God says they are. You are created for solutions, and designated to add value not to brood upon problems all distressed and despoiled. And because of our absentmindedness to this, many of us have for a long time been living lives below the par of God's standard for us. However, at the moment, the signs may not seem favourable to you, but if you'd just hold on to God, you'd break through to goodliness. Don't hover around that present mountain keeping your smile upside down, break out of them by going through them with positive anticipations; for the only way out is through. Go through them in the consciousness of whom God says you are in Christ, and believe God they will be made plain in no time. Don't be discouraged by what is only transient in the sight of God; rather stay believing in His promise for you are destined for more. Stay inspired in the hope of what He's promised. Remember, you are a king in His eyes; therefore think like one, act like one and live like one: and since kingship isn't circumstantial but covenantal, don't let your present deceive you, you were made for more. Is anyone excited yet? Rejoice in this and be excited; for you are destined for more. And in this year of great manifestations, i hope to see more in you, for you and through you. Amen!


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