Choose Your Friends Wisely
There are two things that shape how our lives turn out to be years from now- (1) The information we read or listen to, and (2) The people we associate with. The company you keep is as good as what you become. Innocent fellows have died-as we see regularly from the news-all because they had dangerous friends. Sometimes you don't need to know the devil, bad friends are enough to ruin you. And that's why we must be very cautious about the sort of friends we keep. To me, these are the two thoughts you should have when picking a friend: First, what's his plan for himself? And secondly, what's his plan for you? Well, you might say it doesn't matter; the thrill of the moment you both enjoy presently is enough. Well it's not. No matter how short term a friendship is, its effect should be long term, not a hit and run. I'm sure Amnon would have thought he had a great friend in Jonadab. But guess what? It may have felt good at the moment, yet he was wrong in the long run. Not only was Jonadab the guy who gave him the worst idea ever to implement, knowing he was crown prince at that moment, he double-stabbed him at the back being the same guy who announced his death with little or no remorse (see 2 Sam 13). Be careful; because most times what seems like an utopia is really just an ectopic cyst waiting to kill you from within. Friends are the most important elements the earth has to offer- other than family. So great that the Bible even refer to them as oftentimes closer than a brother (Pro 18:24); however in picking one, you have to do so wisely. You have to be as cautious as can be. Even God knows how important it is to avoid the wrong set that He puts these words in scripture "Bad company (communion, association) corrupts good manners" (1 Cor 15:33); regardless of how good you think you are or how long it takes, they always find a way to get you a bit like them. Hence, at every attempt to form a bond with a person, try as much as possible to ensure that you're getting more of a Jonathan than a Jonadab; for while Jonathans build you up, Jonadabs tear you down. I only hope that in my time with any of you, i have been a Jonathan.....i really hope so. Have a great friendly life ahead!
There are two things that shape how our lives turn out to be years from now- (1) The information we read or listen to, and (2) The people we associate with. The company you keep is as good as what you become. Innocent fellows have died-as we see regularly from the news-all because they had dangerous friends. Sometimes you don't need to know the devil, bad friends are enough to ruin you. And that's why we must be very cautious about the sort of friends we keep. To me, these are the two thoughts you should have when picking a friend: First, what's his plan for himself? And secondly, what's his plan for you? Well, you might say it doesn't matter; the thrill of the moment you both enjoy presently is enough. Well it's not. No matter how short term a friendship is, its effect should be long term, not a hit and run. I'm sure Amnon would have thought he had a great friend in Jonadab. But guess what? It may have felt good at the moment, yet he was wrong in the long run. Not only was Jonadab the guy who gave him the worst idea ever to implement, knowing he was crown prince at that moment, he double-stabbed him at the back being the same guy who announced his death with little or no remorse (see 2 Sam 13). Be careful; because most times what seems like an utopia is really just an ectopic cyst waiting to kill you from within. Friends are the most important elements the earth has to offer- other than family. So great that the Bible even refer to them as oftentimes closer than a brother (Pro 18:24); however in picking one, you have to do so wisely. You have to be as cautious as can be. Even God knows how important it is to avoid the wrong set that He puts these words in scripture "Bad company (communion, association) corrupts good manners" (1 Cor 15:33); regardless of how good you think you are or how long it takes, they always find a way to get you a bit like them. Hence, at every attempt to form a bond with a person, try as much as possible to ensure that you're getting more of a Jonathan than a Jonadab; for while Jonathans build you up, Jonadabs tear you down. I only hope that in my time with any of you, i have been a Jonathan.....i really hope so. Have a great friendly life ahead!
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