Acting On God's Word As Your First And Last

Facing whatever opportunity that comes our way this year as we should is another key to burst forth into the promised manifestation. Well, one may say 'Are you kidding? We do that every day; that's how we've survived so far'. Yes, you have. But have you also noticed how you act differently towards differently placed opportunities - taking for granted the ones with little or no sign of promise, and putting all efforts in what you've humanly calculated as "the chance". Well, we all do it; but if we are going to end on the high this year, we have to debar signs and give each opportunity equal attention and vigour, because we never know which one bears the seed that yields our harvest. In Matt 16, the religious leaders demanded a sign to believe Him, but Jesus refused, recanting 'no sign would be given except that of Jonah'. Now, if Jonah had taken God's first opportunity to go to Nineveh seriously, he wouldn't have had an ordeal. In the same way, how you treat each opportunity God throws your way, regardless of how unpromising it appears at first, determines how you end up at the close of the year. David took the bear and the lion seriously, and so when Goliath came, he was already so prepared it became a walkover. You never can really tell which of these various lessons you're receiving now or the opportunities you'll have in time will announce you to the world. Take it all as serious as though you were already where you aspire to be, and you will get there. Let me end with these words of Solomon: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all thy might" (Eccl 9:10)..Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well" (Eccl 11:6). Do it like it's going to take you to the reality of the promise. Note, the manifestation you seek lies at the helm of your personal choices and engagements. Hence, do it like it's your first and your last.


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