Worship Is Vital For Our Spiritual Growth

 Nothing we get in life is really entirely the product of self effort. No matter how much we think it is, it isn't. This is because no man can receive anything unless it is given to him from above (John 3:27). So, it becomes malignant to simply believe that we are self sufficient. Paul says " our suffiency is not in ourselves, but.... of God" (2 Cor 3:5). Thus, we must never forget the authencity of the words 'Not by power, nor by might, but by the Spirit, says the Lord'. He is the difference maker in our lives. He is the reason why you yet have breath; the reason why everything you touch seems to work. You might contend against that, saying you worked your way up; true, i'm in no wise trying to take away your due credit, but the moment you truly realize the potency of those words 'Not by power nor by might', you'd appreciate the truth that the most influential force for your success is first the power upon you before even the power from you. The Spirit of God upon us is the One who anoints us for success; the One who anoints us for safety; who anoints us for providence. Just take a minute, and ask yourself what the difference between you and the intellectual, charismatic and even moralistic person who got deceased a while ago is; and of all your findings, the most peculiar would be that it is not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of grace. His work in and for us is the reason why we exist, live and have our being. And the Bible assures us that when the Spirit comes upon us, yokes come off us, and the power to do beyond normalcy comes into us. He-not even us-is the reason why we can attain all we are destined to. So, don't try to sideline the praise He duely deserves from that heart of yours. He has done so much that deserves so much praise. So take out that time from your supposedly busy schedule, and give Him the best praise you can. In the beginning of this year, we saw it as one of great manifestations;  but need i remind you that great manifestations are untangled into reality by the influence of great appreciation. David made it clear when he said, "Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the people praise You. Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us." (Ps 67:5-6). Praises precedes prosperity; hence launch yourself into your awaited blessing by giving all the worship due to Him today.


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