Trading Your Time Advantageously

- Trading Your Time Advantageously
 I hear a lot of young people tell each other to just make up their mind and do what they have to as it wouldn't matter ten years from now. Well, it's unfortunate how wrong they are, because it does matter. Time is the most important factor in this transient life. In his book what to do between birth and death, Charles Spezzano says that the phrase  spending your time isn't a metaphor, it is how life works. Everything we do in life we do with time and in time. If you were to build a house in 2020, before it costs you a million, it would first of all cost you two years. So everything we do and get in life is done and gotten in time.
So, what are we supposed to do to maximally get the best out of life? Trade your life wisely.
Effective time usage is a rudimentary key to absolute conquest in life. Remember, aiming at a bird for an hour won't put food on your table, taking your shot when you should does. The problem with many people is that they believe there will always be time. But just as the earth doesn't stay static, but revolves, time and its opportunities keep moving. Furthermore, every decision we make is a seed; time is the soil, and it will surely bring forth a result no matter how long it takes. That is why it's important that you don't get so busy that you end up undisciplined. The fact that something seems like what should be done doesn't mean it must. Evaluate it before you engage it. If it's your strength, do it. If it makes you grow, do it too. Note that time isn't given to do everything that can be done, but to do all you must to create a cascade of impact for generations to come.
Thus, the quickest way to making a   difference is micro-managing your time; and trading it only for what would bring a positive resolve to yourself and those around- and beyond- you. Even Jesus understood this in that when He was beckoned on to eat- as important as that is, He chose to prioritize His focus to what He knew He had to do at that moment. So if you are a career person, a parent, or a leader, ask yourself this question: "How and what do I put my time into?". Do you invest it in your skill acquisition plan to get better at what you do? Or as a parent,  do you put it all in grooming your kids to be people of integrity and value? Without such, it would be futile to expect the reality you desire. So you see, the bridge between where you are now and where you are heading to isn't simply time, it is what you do with your time. If you trade it well, you come out with awesome dividends in life and destiny.
Hence, to get the best out of your life, always trade your time to the advantage of the future you seek.


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