Making Good Use Of Your Words

 Someone once mused that "It is better to remain silent and be presumed a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Two things in life show what- and how much of it-we carry inside of us; and these are our Actions and Reactions. What we do and how we respond to situations either validate or invalidate all we say we are. And as creatures of a wise and perfect God, it would only be a taboo if we exercise folly routinally, or even at all. So, as hard as it may seem, when you have nothing impactful to say, just zip it. Truth is, no one wants to hear us talk when what we have to say adds nothing to their lives. This is because words are like seeds; and if a seed isn't bound to bear fruits, no one would want them sown on their field. Words are expensive and shouldn't be abused, so if it isn't wise, keep it until you have something wise to say. If it isn't impactful both for you and to the hearer, don't say it. The wrong use of the mouth has ruined many souls, and it still has a long list of people on queue for its consequences yet. Remember Jesus' words, "By your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned"(Matt 12:37). Also note that wisdom attracts honour; so when it's time to speak-or even act- do so wisely. And if you must react, let it be wise too. Let your words in action and reaction show that you actually have an heritage beyond the comprehension of normal men. Let your words judge you- but please let it judge you for good. Hence, here's what God's asking of us- Be good representatives of Him on the earth both in words and deeds. His words, actions and reactions are full of wisdom, let ours be the same.


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