Make Your Life Count

 Life isn't really measured by how early or how late a man dies, but by how well he lived his time here. Life may not seem fair in the amount of time it accords to its various participants, but it is in the chances equivocally given to us all. Some may have numerous chances for a change of story, but we all have the needed chance to change a story- that is, we all have one chance at least to make an impact while we live. And believe me no one cares about how long or short you lived, the only thing history cares about is how well you did it. So yes, make your life count by living for something more than irrelevancies. Live for impact. Live to touch millions of hearts. Live to affect destinies in the present and generations in the future ahead. Live to change stories. Live to draw forth hope from the hapless. Live to leave your prints on the heart of someone in need of it, and then you would have sealed it on the sands of time. Like i said already, how long you live, or will live, is really measured by how well you live that life of yours. So, yes my friend, live well. Hence, put it in your head, acknowledge it in your heart, and commit your hands to it to ensure you see it through.... See what through? A life well lived: for a well lived life is always a life worth living all over again...even in the memories of millions. Don't let the circumstances make your actions, let your actions make the circumstances. Again my friend, live well, and have greater months ahead.


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