Choose To Live

 The literary elite, Paulo Coelho, wrote in his book, The Fifth Mountain, "The inevitable always happens. We need discipline and patience to overcome it. And hope. It isn't a question of placing hope in the future. It is a question of recreating our own past". As such, it is never too late to change your life. In fact, every moment you still have this sweet air shuttle through your nasal route is another chance to recreate your desire out of the shambles presently before you. Every time you twitch your eyes open to see the morning sun is you having another shot at life; and it is only pertinent you use it prudently. The difference maker between becoming a new person and the old person you have been is a choice. Thus, it is time to be bold enough to make that choice that would change your life, towards goodness. And when you do make that choice, don't be ashamed- because it is the right choice. Thousands of people have made the choice- if not even millions. And what is this choice? Desisting from the world's soul-slaying way of life to live a life whose niche is in God. There is peace in God, comfort in God; there is love in God, life in God; and also in God there is always hope in our future (Jer 31:17). So, like Coelho suggests, and I know, you can start making your future by recreating your past to lead into something better through your present. Just make the choice to truly live; discipline yourself until it's real and be patient as it unfolds before your eyes. Remember, the new creation always starts with you. "If any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation; old things are passed away, all things are become new" (2 Cor 5:17).


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