Be Self Motivated

- Be Self Motivated
For some time now, I have been trying to get a group of kids to read more than they did a year ago, but despite my 165 days daily motivational speech to them, they chose to remain as they were. In fact they became less motivated than ever before, and more rebellious. One day I decided to put them up to a test, and having evaluated them, I publicly ranked them before their eyes, making them realize that if they didn't want to stay at the bottom, or drop to the bottom, they'd have to read harder in school to surpass the other. I have never loved this approach, but it is true that man is more motivated by competition than anything else. He only sees a need to curtail his bottlenecks when he seems challenged. You see, man has a survival instinct; and thus initiates his adrenaline pumps to get better whenever he feels threatened by another. Those kids proved it.
However, i'll suggest a better way; which is self motivation. As I have said in time past, life isn't a competition with others, it is one with yourself. You see, life won't always give you a competitor, at least in your days of comfort, yet that doesn't mean you should stay dormant. You're a dynamic human being. Situations may trigger your actions, but never let it limit them. Every one is on a single ladder as you are, so the day you stop climbing, someone else will shove you off. The day you stop moving, someone moves you out. So even when you don't like taking a step further, do. It may not seem necessary to you now, but it definitely would be moments after now.
Hence, be self motivated. Just as no one forces you to grieve, don't let anyone force you to move forward. Don't be content with self destruction, imbibe the spirit of self construction. Initiate your own progress. Be the leader you are, not only in Potential but also in dynamism. Remember I told you already that you weren't made to experience time, rather time was put in motion to experience your life via the impact you bring to the table. But how can time count you indelible if you wait for competition before you add value. We are not in a food chain with ourselves, but if we keep living as though we are, we will end up spending half of our lives asleep in the cave of false contentment as a lion does, when we should be shaking our fields.  Therefore, never wait for hunger or failure to push you, even if they spur you best, get motivated and stay motivated until you have all you seek.


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