Be Interested

 In addition to the subject of our discourse on the last note about how people would only listen to your words when they can assert its impact on them, people are only interested more in those who find interest in them. That is to say that people would only care to know about what you've got to say when they are sure and know you care about them. In fact, Dale Carnegie's most used quote suggests the same- "To be interesting, be interested". In advent of this, i want you to know that every relationship requires the meeting of the interest of both parties. Man may be predatory or parasitic in the approach to get what he wants, but no one wants to be treated that way. Everyone wants sort of a symbiotic association where their needs from that relationship are met as they meet the other's. Even God desires to be loved as much as He loves us, that's why the first and great commandment is to love the LORD thy God with all our heart, mind, and soul. In other words, make it a point of duty to treat others as you would want to be treated. Would you like to be snubbed when spoken to? If not, then don't do it to others, regardless of your present position in life. The Golden Rule calls on us to do to others as we would like to be done to us (Matt 7:12). So as the caption of Disney's fiction-Cinderella-says, "Have Courage and be Kind". Be courageous to act nice enough when others go mean all the way; and be kind enough to stay nice regardless of what response you receive. Thus, yes, be interested in others, care about their own needs too, be considerate in your actions not because you want to chase a people's person identity but to be the person the people around you need; and lastly aa Scripture states "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake forgave you" (Eph 4:32)


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