You Were Made For An Essential Purpose

- You were Made For An Essential Purpose
 No problem is exists after a solution is made. So if you are a solution, it means there's a problem God made you to fix. You are here because there is something only you and you alone can do. There is an issue that is still existent because your potential hasn't been fully harnessed for impact. It goes somehow like this: When God created the world, He saw a beautiful creation with an impending problem on the way; and when He thought of the most perfect way to resolve it, you popped up in His mind. So, to God, you aren't just ordinary. You are His most perfect plan to fix a given compromising situation already stationed on the earth. As a manufacturer, you'd agree with me that Purpose is established before production. No one creates something without an intended need that requires attention. In other words, you are not a waste of time, rather you are an essence to time. God ensured you were birthed at the period you were so as to manifest something He had already finished in His mind. So regardless of what you're presently experiencing, you must understand that your end doesn't look anything like your beginning. Have faith, because you are made for more than what presently meets the eye. God made you for this exact moment in time, this exact season, this exact generation. The need you were made to address exists in this lifetime and that's why you are here. Through you, nations shall receive their anticipated change; not because you are anything, but because God is everything, and He has given you everything you need to fulfill purpose and destiny. Jesus, in His illustration in Luke 17:37 referred to us as eagles; and eagles are not ordinary birds, rather they are the most unique of their hierarchy, as you are too my friend. So never think you are just on earth to occupy space. You may be made of matter, but you're much more than matter. You are made for more. You have a purpose for living, an essential one for that matter; discover it and fulfill it. Remember, destiny is not decided, it is only discovered. Find yours, and ensure that you fulfill it to the end; because not only is it essential to humanity and unique to you, but also that's where your nirvana lies, as well as your bliss, your rest, and your forever. Hence, put purpose at the echelon of all your desires and at the helm of your priorities, and pursue it until you have accomplished every bit of it. The irony is that if you don't know the reason for your existence, you will begin to experiment with your life, which is very dangerous. Hence, find your purpose; and remember, you are unique, made for an essential reason, and are expected to fulfil it. My dear, I adjure to do so.


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