Woman! You are made for more

- Woman, You Were Made For More
 The role of the womanfolk as a helpmeet reveals her place in the completeness of things. In fact, creation wasn't complete until from the ribs of the first man, God made the woman (Gen 2:22). Everything seemed unwhole...incomplete, even Adam could feel it, as everything created came with its kind, except the man; but as God's ways are, He provided a solution to that unwholesomeness, and that sealed the deal.
 As a result, it is mandatory as women that you understand that God created you not for mere existence, but for actual completeness. That virtue deposited in you must become clear enough to you: you are meant to complete unwholesome situations; a solution to a present need. Furthermore, there's something in you, sort of a seed, that is able to ruin satan's plan, and elevate God's will, just as God declared of Christ in Gen 3:15. You have a destiny to fulfill in a plan that God has designed specifically for you. There is something God wants you to do, something that God wants you to enjoy. You are not an accident. You were planned in the heart of God and formed with His very hands.
 To understand the extremity of what you have within, you must:
1. KNOW WHOM YOU BELONG TO: In a single statement, scripture affirms the end and beginning of our lives when it stated "Ye are Christ's"(1 Cor 3:23), and as such you have more than enough 'genetically' to exhibit the Christ-kind of life. Note, you are a mirror image of whatever you represent and as a result in every way Christ is Christ, you are in the same His very image by virtue...but do you live by that understanding?
2. KNOW WHO YOU ARE: Though Esther did not reveal her identity at some point in the land of the heathens, but she never forgot who she was, thereby keeping herself consecrated unto her God and people; and I believe that that was one important factor in protecting the virtues God had deposited in her from the grip of ungodliness. And it is recorded that there was none more favourable than her in all the Province. Remember, you are in the world, but not of the world, and so in the same way as Esther, you would appreciate the essence of the virtue of Christ in you if only like her you would guard it with all diligence.
3. KNOW WHAT YOU WERE MEANT TO DO: As strange as it may sound, you were not created to just be someone's wife, sister, mother or daughter, but rather to be a help to mankind in the fulfilment of God's commission in Gen 1:28. You'd notice that He said unto "them" and blessed "them", not him alone; and so you were created with virtue for impartation to fulfil the whole perfect will of God.
 In conclusion, you are more than you think you are; but first you must acknowledge the virtues of Christ in you, wield it by perfect obedience, and express it, because there are many of us out there waiting for that light of yours to shine upon us. I only hope you find enough here to lead you unto the path of understanding required to fully relish in the virtue that Christ in you has brought alive deep within you.


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