True Worship

- True Worship
 Any form reverence that is forced isn't worship. Worship shouldn't be the product of a coax, a coercion, or authoritarianism. Worship is meant to be a product of appreciation- in depth appreciation- and a revelation of the dependence we have towards the recipient. God is not an advocate of forced worship. No! He wants us all to worship with sincere hearts motivated by the comprehension of the need to revere Him, seeing we cannot do without Him, being that He is all in all, and the One for all. Just as He loves cheerful givers, He desires willing worshippers. When Judah sought for a revival in their walk with God under the rule of Joash, the Bible records that he decreed that all men bring to the house of God resources to refurbish the temple as was set in their hearts to do (see 2 Kings 12:4). Regardless of how long or how much what we bring is, in essence, if it isn't wholly from the heart, it carries no significant value. It is true that God proves Himself mighty against the evils of this world so as to draw men towards Him (see Zeph 2:11); however, He is not interested in just the dutiful feeling that you have to be at some place since it's what He wants us to do. No! He wants us desiring to be where He calls us. Worship is our duty to God; nevertheless, He doesn't want it to be one grievously performed. He wants us to yearn for it at the understanding of who He is and all He's done. At Sychar, Jesus said that the time will come-which is now-when men will no longer go to the mountain[a sense of grievous duty] to worship God, but all shall worship Him in spirit and truth[a sense of willing worship spurred by our need to celebrate and revere our God]. Hence, this is what you ought to do: Let your worship come from your heart. Don't wait for a worship leader to say the words "Let's worship God" before you feel the urge to worship. Never make it a function of feeling, make it a function of life. Let the fact that you're living draw worship out of you towards Him. Let it come from within. Let it have its ceaseless flow until from your heart you strike the holy gates of heaven. Lucifer saw worship as only some duty, and thus had the room for rebellion; but when we see it as our purpose, our very need, and desire, we will continually live in His ceaseless praise. Thus, if you want to worship, don't just worship; worship well- from a willing aand ready heart.


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