Hold on! you can do it.

- Hold On! You Can Do It
 The last time we looked at God's commitment to fulfil His part in our lives; now let's look at how ready we are to do the same. Life is a test of endurance. It is likened to a fixed catapult placed on your path to greatness, hauling stones at you with the firm intention that you would turn back in despair. A lot of people would give up as soon as the pain comes and relinquish their shot at greatness, while some others would go on despite the pain they have to bear on their way towards greatness until they get what they seek. The most important question to you now would be: "Which of these two are you?", because answering this question could solve a whole lot of problems as it reveals your true nature. Even our walk with God is all about a game called "How long can you hold on?" A lot of us start up well with God, but when challenges spring up, we get jaded like we never knew God. Starting a race doesn't assure you of a prize, finishing it does; and God expects us to finish this race we've begun with Him. Little wonder, Jesus said "And they that endure to the end shall be saved" (Matt 24:13). Note, enduring for years and failing out in a moment ruins the streak, and as such won't cut it. And so it is not about how long we endure the challenges we encounter, but how well we do endure them till we find ourselves flawless before Him. Thus, are you presently in a situation that is somewhat pressing you towards compromise, and you feel the urge to do so? Remember that there is someone watching you- someone who expects a good report of you. Someone who expects you to hold on. Jesus was embittered at Gethsemane; and despite the horrorful images that flashed before His eyes of His eventual suffering, He refused to bend nor break. He took a stand-  a stand to endure whatever may be for the glorification of God and the fulfilment of His purpose. Hence, God has a good purpose for you that is meant to bring glory back to Him and fulfilment to you. Don't ruin it by compromising when you should be complying to His words, being compensatory towards the disadvantage set before you. Don't let that spark of hope go out, rather keep it going ablaze. Don't tap out when you should stay tapped in. So, once again, my friend, I say to you, Hold on! You can do it.


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